السبت، يوليو 15، 2006

Thank god for...

(G) MAG has made a poll of what we should thank god for, here are the results.

Thank god for... what ?
- ending the day with looong hours of sleep =sherine
- google =nayla
-mahshi =nahla
-technology. coz if we didn't have it, egyptians wouldstill be riding donkeys in the street. wait... that still happens ! =tony
-spider solitaire, how else are we going to waste time at work ? =yomna
-cheese that melts =sarah
-for being able to sleep safely @ night and not worry about whether i'm going to eat tomorrow or not or whether a bomb will fall on me or not ! =osama
-everything. what's not to thank god for? =shereen
-chocolate =brigitte
-not being a man =cherina

issue #28 - http://www.g-mag.net/

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