الخميس، يونيو 01، 2006

كيف تنطق لينكس ؟

الملف النصي الآتي يحتوي نطق كلمة لينوكس بوساطة لينوس تورفالدوز و هذا هو النص
"Hello, this is Linus Torvalds, and I pronounce Linux as Linux!"

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why i abandon people ?

a friend once told me that I fear people. The fact is that I can't comprehend the social rules that we should follow in our behavior with others. And I find it easier to understand a mathematical formula than understanding a relation between two persons, not to mention the whole society !in math we begin with 1+1=2 (one plus one is two) but it's never the same in our real life. It could be zero and it may be more than two, and even much more in big families :)and another point that traditions force us to hide most of our feelings towards others and only show these feelings that others want to see, which I hate too much.
I think it would be easier for all of us if we make love our law and forgiveness as attitude. You might think of this as a call to world piece but it's just about daily actions and behavior. Maybe then I can join in social actions and be an active one too.
My friend may still be right and I'm just afraid of people ! sorry for bothering you with this thought.

Mohamed Salah
LLL: Long Live Linux .
we swear to protect and serve
coz knowledge is everything

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How to write registry file

و اكتب فيها السطور التالية notepad افتح المفكرة
notepad ثم اكتب Run لفتح المفكرة من البرامج ثم الملحقات أو من الأمر

REGEDIT4 (for winme,winxp)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 (for winxp)
ليصبح قيمة لسجل الويندوز .reg و بعد ذلك احفظ الملف بأي اسم نهايته
لتشغيل أي ملف من هذا النوع افتحه كأي ملف عادي تظهر رسالة لتأكيد فتح الملف
OK ثم تظهر رسالة نجاح الملف اضغط yes اضغط
هذه تحسينات للويدوز اكس بي
حمل الملف التالي
أو من هنا
txt احذف الامتداد الحالي له و هو
لكي تتمكن من فتحه .reg استبدله بالامتداد
EDIT يمكن التعديل فيه من الامر

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Riddler's Advanced CD 1.0

support information:
get inside and leave your comment
Mobile phone: 20103065818
Mohamed Salahcoz knowledge is everything

0-why did i make this CD ?
this is the first question that should be asked about that CD.i started this project to make an easy XP CD for friends of minewho weren't able to setup windows on their PC's but it turnedout to be my own challenge and i had to make it semi-perfectfor everyone to use it.

1-what on this CD ?
the CD has two versions of windows XP,the first is the normal XP with Service Pack 2 includedin it with a silent insallation which means it will neverask you for anything except the partition you will use- and i meant to leave it - and the type of formatting.
the other version is modified to have a fascinatinginterface and i assure its security as i didn't put anyextra software in the win folder. i called this XPize whichalso includes Service Pack 2.
another strong CD is included in my CD and it is calledHiren's BootCD 8.0 and it's well-known to talk about it.however if you still don't know this CD refer to***Hiren site*** it has all the power tools that you needto setup your PC.
there are some tools that u can use for your windows toidentify your hardware or improve your windows.
last but not least the option of MS-DOS that allows you tostart computer with/without CD-ROM support and theoption of installing Windows98 on the 900MB CD.
finally if you booted form the CD by mistake you can bootfrom the First Hard Disk when you press ESC key.

This CD has been made by RiddleR in 01-05-2006 and tested bymo0ody (http://www.mo0ody.tk/) and SOHON (sohon7@yahoo.com) to confirm the stability of the system and security of its filesand the final file was released in 20-05-2006it's compined as an iso file which is image of the CD with the bootfiles included to burn it and run it with no changes
changing the files of this CD with any ISO program will damagethe boot menu
the original file name: riddler_advCD_1.0.isothe md5 check is: 12bb42d4cc4f5934b6f12b4419f52c72
to learn more about md5 visit:
or: http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5

how to check the md5 checksum of the CD ?
download md5 summer from http://www.md5summer.org
put it beside your CD file in the same directory, open itin the first screen press yes or no, no differencethen choose Create sums. and double-click your CD.iso filepress OK. it will calculate the md5 of the file and ask you whereto save it. save it and open the md5 file with Notepad andcompare the number in the file with these 12bb42d4cc4f5934b6f12b4419f52c72
it should be the same

how to burn the CD ?
1-using Nero Burning Romopen Nero EXpress and choose Disc Image and browsefor the CD but change the files_of_type to (image files)instead (All Nero compilations) and burn it at 40x

2-using UltraISOopen it and from tools menu choose (Burn CD/DVD Image)or press F7. change the (Write Speed) to 40x and browsefor the image/iso file and press Burn.

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makiing FUN of Wiondows :-)

With the recent problems being encountered by Windows users allacross the country, people are beginning to ask themselves ifWindows is a virus. In response to the high demand for an answerto the above mentioned question, a study was done whichconcluded the following.

1. Viruses replicate quickly.Windows does this.

2. Viruses use up valuable system resources, slowing down thesystem as they do so.Windows does this.

3. Viruses will, from time to time, trash your hard disk.Windows does this.

4. Viruses are usually carried, unknown to the user, along withvaluable programs and systems.Windows does that too.

5. Viruses will occasionally make the user suspect their systemis too slow and the user will buy new hardware.Same is the case with Windows, yet again.

So what do we conclude from here? Is Windows actually a virus? ;-)

Nope! It isn’t. You can certainly differentiate the two.
Viruses are well supported by their authors, are frequently updated,and tend to become more sophisticated as they mature. So there!Windows is not a virus.


A: I have programmed a virus that will crash any windowz system,will you buy it
B: No thanx I get those for free when I buy my windowz

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CV & interview tips

1 Write a better CV
The object of your CV is to make sure that you secure an interview of your choice. It also serves as a prompting tool during the interview.

A CV in the IT world needs to do the business quickly and to the point - but you need depth too. Sure, it must be possible to skim over the document to get a flavour - but it must also be possible to read into some detail.

Did you know that around 80% of CVs, don't do the job of conveying exactly what roles the candidate is suitable for? Take a long hard look at your CV and turn it into a document that works. Make sure that it says exactly what you do on the tin.

Who invented the two page CV? Certainly not us or our clients. Technology CVs should be like a small chapter - easy to flick through but detail when you want it.

So you are capable of more than one role in industry? Have 2 x CVs! Don't lie, but be specific on your CV. One CV could be your technical document and one CV for your management experience. Apply for roles with the most appropriate CV.

Tell the story from today - and go backwards. This is reverse chronological order. Use employer names, dates and the functional title that you accomplished along with the hardware, software and skills you utilised. You may have been called the "Global IT Manager", but if your job was actually doing 2nd & 3rd line support for a 4 branch, 50-man business - make up a title that's appropriate.

Structure your CV with plenty of white space. Don't use 5mm margins and tiny font sizes. Think about business documents - they have plenty of headings, bullet points and white space. Copy what works.
2 How many pages?
How many pages should my CV be?As long as it needs to be. DO NOT be constrained by the 2 page CV that has evolved in society. I've seen examples of 8 point Time Roman fort, squeezed onto 2 pages. Terrible.

My analysis has shown that the average length of most technical CVs is 4.5 pages. Additionally, the agency will add 2 more pages in the form of cover sheets and "consultant notes". Clients therefore, are used to skimming quite large documents (remember the bullet points to keep it simple?).

I placed someone last year with a 17 page CV. Each page described a project that the candidate worked on together with a background on the issues the project faced, the technology and software utilised and exactly what role the candidate played in the project. It was truly a marvelous piece of work. A one-off and in my view, excellent.

Sometimes, the 2-page CV may be suitable. Particularly for senior management applying to a Sunday Times advertised role. But in that case, often the Senior Recruiter would present your details to the client attaching interviewer notes. Outplacement companies insist on 2-page CVs even for technical managers. Why? I don't know.

Remember - the CV gets you through the door - it doesn't actually get the job for you.
3 More than one version
I don't know about you, but I've always known what type of job that I wanted - so I guided my own career along those paths and could therefore write a CV that reflected not only what I had done - but what I was suitable for in the future.

If you really are suitable for more than one type of job, then you ought to think of having more than one version "in stock". On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with "tailoring" your standard CV for each job that you apply for. You may have technical qualifications that would lend your skills and experience down either of two technical avenues. Just make sure you put your more relevant experience further "up the page" for the job you applying for.

Remember which CV you sent for each job!

Keep note (perhaps a spreadsheet) of each job you applied for - and which CV you used. Take a note of the agency - and the end client. INSIST that the agency tells you the client name. If your CV ends up on the client desk from more than one agency, through no fault of your own, you are more than likely rejected. Clients don't want "agency squabbles".
4 How do I structure it?
Imagine a business document. Perhaps a Project Definition Document. Think about the luxury of white space, simple bullet points - then detail when it's needed. This is what I'm aiming for.

Page 1 - Name, address, date of birth, address, phone, mobile, email address and personal summary or statement of your personal objectives regarding your career Page 2 - Software, tools, methods, qualifications, hardware, techniques - simple vertical lists Page 3 + Your CV in reverse chronological order. For each job, show the next example as a cv for Information technology employee : Dates: From X to Y Client Company / Employer Your role / title

Software, tools utilised here Several paragraphs describing exactly what you did, how large a team you worked in, types of projects and technologies used. Problems and issues overcome etc If you worked on multiple projects over the years, perhaps describe each one using a different paragraph or sub section Utilise bold to highlight the major tools used. But don't over-do it. If you were writing ASP using IIS Version 6 then highlight it accordingly - particularly if you are applying for a job where ASP and the .NET framework was part of the role
5 Mechanics
I discussed in the previous section white space. Make sure there's enough white space that the page isn't crowded.

If you already have a CV, then make sure you change it to follow these guidelines: At least 1 inch (2.5cm) margins All tab stops must be identical Be careful when using paragraph alignment Don't use "tables" if at all possible - they are not appealing when viewed on a monitor Learn how to "right align" a tab stop Use the footer to put your name and CV publication date

Keep the structure simple. Someone at the agency might need to change the formatting to a "house" standard. Does your CV lend itself to editing in the future?
6 Ten things not to do
So, you're nearly ready to ship your latest creation - make sure your CV conforms to our top-ten hints.

Top ten tips:
No colour please - this is a business document Use a font size that works well "on screen" - 11 point Arial seems to work well
Be consistent where you use Bold and Underline Leave a proper margin - at least 1 inch (2.5 cms) Leave some room for reviewer comments - use 'white' space Using email? Think about your subject line and email body text Copy your contact details into the email body text Save as Rich Text Format - certainly not a PDF Don't use text boxes Spell check everything - and ask someone to proof read it
Before the interview:
Check the map and directions
Get a copy of the job spec
Re-read your CV again
Print of further copies in case the interviewer needs more copies
Get a good nights sleep
Leave in plenty of time
Remember to have telephone numbers and names of interviewers on you in case of delay
Remember Murphy's law. If it can go wrong - it will. Don't leave anything to chance.

Upon arrival
Who do you ask for?
The interviewer may be nervous too! Have some "stock" questions to relax both of you. You may have far to walk to the interview room. Perhaps someone else will pick you up and take you to the interviewer
Talk about their journey..?
People like to talk - get them to do the work!
Discuss the building, their products, successes, their Founder etc. Will you be offered a drink? Don't hesitate in telling them what you want
Have your papers to hand and your questions ready. Use a folder for your documentation.

During the interview:
Listen, Listen, Listen. You have two ears and one mouth. Heard that before? Remember it.
Some interviewers are better than others. Help them to get the best out of you
If you need to, take control - ask them if it's OK to talk through you CV with them
Body language is key. Don't slouch - and think about what you will do with your hands.
Don't interrupt. If you think of something important, make a note immediately and come back to it later
If you believe that you would be very good at this job, tell them exactly why

"People buy people"
Sure, this is an interview - but if you genuinely get on with the interviewer and like them, the chances are they'll like you too. They will be calculating if you will get on with the existing team - and will your future success help them.

This paper serves as a quick guide to interviewing from the candidate point of view. There are some excellent books on the market that will assist you further - put them on your list!

CV Sample download it & modify to match your data

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